Tag: Hill Climb

Black and white photograph of a classic muscle car

Exploring the Shere Hill Climb, 2019

The Shere Hill Climb has become an established part of the motoring social calendar but remains relatively small. Knowing little about the event, I took a chance and headed over to the Surrey hills.

Pre-war Mercedes

Goodwood Festival of Speed 2018

Celebration seemed to be the unofficial theme of this year’s Festival of Speed. The event itself was marking its 25th year, the centre lawn sculpture was celebrating Porsche 70th birthday and there was also the parade of Land Rovers celebrating their 70th birthday too. And for me, I was celebrating turning up in my ‘supercar’. Two years ago I left the 2016 Festival of Speed saying to myself ‘when I return next year it will be in my own 911’. A year later I had the 911 but didn’t take it to Goodwood as I was driven there by a friend. So this year I had to drive my 911. To make it even more special, I booked supercar parking for the Thursday. We all have things that make us feel good, those little personal fist pump moments, this was one of mine. Driving onto the Goodwood estate in my 911, with the ‘supercar parking’ pass felt great — small pleasures.