Orange Porsche 911

Out East, Porsche breakfast meet

As lockdown eases and the restrictions start to lift, the London region of Porsche Club GB's Out East is the first event of the year. At last, we can get out and drive, meet up with like-minded soles for a coffee and a chat.

Hard to believe I’ve not been over to east London for this breakfast meeting since September last year. No cruise up with others this time, just an agreement that we were all going. The forecast rain had provided a few worries for some the night before, but these are cars, they’re designed to be driven and part of that is getting wet. Easy for me to say this as I’m not driving a 60 plus-year-old car on skinny tires and 6-volt electrics. However, if I was fortunate enough to have an early car, it would be driven all the time. Thankfully, many people made the trip in a great variety of Porsche’s. 

Porsche 356A

As this was the first adventure of the year the was a lot of catching up to be done. Subsequently, that meant more talking than taking photographs. This coupled with the fact I was using my new camera has resulted in only a small selection of images to share. I was determined to only take this new camera to force me into learning on the fly, which explains the complete lack of consistency in images. Oh, the joys of getting used to a completely new system and the options of creating custom film simulations with the Fuji X-Pro3. At times I wished I’d bought my Canon along, but that would have defeated the object. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of this new system soon.

Blue Porsche 992

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People gathered at Legends Drivers Club, Westerham Brewery

The Final Brew of the Year: Wrapping Up with the Legends Drivers Club

As 2024 sped toward its finish line, there was still time for one final Legends Drivers Club event. Following the success of the Christmas Brew just a week earlier, I wasn’t expecting much of a turnout on this damp, misty morning. Yet, by now, I should know better than to underestimate the draw of Andre’s events. Over 80 Porsches, spanning all types and eras, created a visual and aural treat for everyone who braved the weather.

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